About Us
About Us
I started Juke Auto in 2004 renting 2 bays on the side of a dodgy used car lot. We had no lifts. If a car needed to be up in the air for something like replacing a transmission, we had to jack it up and put it on stands. It was great to have my own space and we grew quickly. I wanted Juke Auto to stick out and felt we needed to be defined by a style, an eccentricity, a personality. The business style of operation had to be personally important to me, a trait to hold Juke Auto to, and to hold myself to.
Honesty is Our Defining Value
By defining Juke Auto as a no B.S. shop I’ve had to figure out what that means. Life is full of gray areas. With the complexity of managing vehicles, people, and money, the exactness of right and wrong can get complicated. So, I made a guiding rule for the shop. Always be on the right side of the gray. Don’t even mess with the murkiness of where exactly the line of doing the right thing is, be generously clear of it.
Long Haul
We believe that we should take into consideration what our customers plan to do with their vehicles. Are they trading it in next year? Does it need to reliably last the next few years? Our understanding of customer needs, finances, and time frame helps us make recommendations of what needs to be repaired – and what DOES NOT – this time around. It’s not about how big we can make the bill. That is short sighted. It’s about making a plan for today AND down the road. Decisions like this put both customers and Juke Auto in a stronger position long-term.. This commitment to honesty secures Juke Auto’s position as the trusted automotive repair shop for our community.

Shop Responsibility to Employees
Our greatest responsibility to our workers lies in the shop environment we create.
Of course we provide what we consider “the basics” – great pay, health care benefits, matching 401k, higher than industry standards paid time off, and parental leave as well as a clean, modern, regularly updated work environment. Providing our employees with this security relieves anxiety and allows them to provide better service for our customers.
We also feel that a good person walking into work shouldn’t get that terrible tight feeling in their gut and chest when they see a coworker that just plain sucks to work with. A corrosive coworker that can produce perfectly completed work in volume is not a shop asset. No matter how desperately a business thinks they depend on a cancerous top producer, they gotta go. The shop’s responsibility is to create and maintain a healthy work environment. It makes for better days, and a more enjoyable life. That’s what we owe each other.
A Single Purpose
Juke Automotive and its crew have a united role. We are here to serve the community, and we stop the shop regularly to pull everyone together and express gratitude and pride in our crew, brought by the single purpose of producing honest quality service to the community.