News & Media
Under the Hood: What Really Happens During an Oil Change Service?
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of a comprehensive oil change service.
MPGe and Range Advice: Understanding, Managing, and Why it Matters
If you're considering a hybrid or EV, you'll need to know about MPGe and range. These concepts can be confusing if you're switching from a gas-powered car. This article will break down MPGe and range, show how the two relate, and the best way to maximize both. What is...
How to Buy a Used Car With Confidence: Your Complete Guide
How to buy a used car is one of those things we all wish we had learned in school instead of wasting our time with trigonometry. In this article, we’ll share some knowledge that should give you an advantage the next time you need to buy a used car.
Catalytic Converter Theft: Is Your Car a Target and How to Protect It
If it feels like you’re suddenly reading a lot about catalytic converter theft, it’s not just your imagination. These parts are being stolen throughout the country, and Austin, Texas is no exception. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about...
4 Weird Winter Car Tips (That Make No Sense Out of Context)
Austin, Texas isn't exactly known for frigid winter weather, but it is known for being weird. So rather than just give you some hints on surviving this mildly cold season (where’s the fun in that?) we’re going to get a little more creative with our delivery. Here are...
Hybrids, Plug-in Hybrids, and Full Electric Vehicles: Explaining the Differences and Common Concerns
With more automakers planning to go all electric in the next decade, you might be thinking about what your next car will run on. You might feel pressure to go electric, as well as confusion about what exactly you should be shopping for. There's always a lot to...
Top 3 Signs Your Car Needs an Oil Change
How often do you change your car's oil? If you can't remember the previous time you had an oil change, it's probably been too long. When it comes to car maintenance, one of the most critical things you can do is keep up with regular oil changes, especially if you want...
10 Factors That Affect Braking Distance
Good brakes can mean the difference between making it home safely and ending up in the emergency room. What factors influence your car's braking distance? The top ten factors that affect braking distance are listed below. 1. Distracted driving According to the US...
5 Things To Know About Oil Changes For Your Car
A properly maintained car gives better performance and tends lasts longer. That's why you need to service your vehicle regularly! Getting oil changes on schedule is crucial for maintaining your car properly. Engine oil prevents engine wear and tear and lubricates your...
Is It Normal for Car Air Conditioner to Leak Water?
Auto air conditioning systems require inspection regularly by a professional because they can be complex! Car air conditioning leaks can happen anytime and it is crucial to find a solution to prevent these serious and sometimes expensive repairs. Preventive...